Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Poem 3 Polythene Bag


Panorama English Book Class 10 Solutions Poem 3 Polythene Bag

Do you feel the concept of English difficult to understand? Not anymore with our Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Poem 3 Polythene Bag Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Bihar Board Textbook Solutions PDF free of cost and prepare whenever you want.

B.1. Answer the following questions very briefly:

Polythene Bag Question Answer Bihar Board Class 10 Question 1.
Who has composed the poem?
Durga Prasad Panda.

Polythene Bag Poem Bihar Board Class 10 Question 2.
Does a Polythene bag get dissolve?
Answer: It never gets dissolved.

Panorama Class 10 Solutions Bihar Board Question3.
When does a Polythene bag make a noise?
Answer: When it is touched.

Panorama English Book Class 10 In Hindi Question 4.
What does it give out when it is burnt?
It gives out a poisonous smell.

Class 10 English Bihar Board Question 5.
How does it affect environment?
By producing pollution.

B.2. Answer the following questions briefly:

Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solution Question 1.
How do the germs of disease grow?
The germs of disease grow inside the garbage hin where polythene’ bags are lying inside it.

Panorama English Book Class 10 Solutions Bihar Board Question 2.
What does the word ‘Hurt stand for?
The word ‘Hurt’ stands for the pain the polythene bags give out to mankind.

Panorama English Book Class 10 Solutions In Hindi Bihar Board Question 3.
What causes pain?
The pain is caused by ‘hurt’ which is a strange polythene bag.

Question 4.
Whose ‘hurt melt’s down like polythene bag?
Hurt of the poet’ heart melt’ like the polythene bag.

Question 5.
What comes back again and again?
The pain caused by the ‘hurt’ comes back again and again.

Question 6.
Where the polythene bag is buried?
The polythene bag remains buried inside the garbage bin.

C.1. Long Answer questions:

Question 1.
How does a Polythene bag pollute our environment?
Polythene bags are never destroyed by cold or heat, by water or soil. A polythene bag gives out a poisonous smell if it is burnt. By lying inside the garbage bin it grows germs of the diseases. In this way, it pollutes our environment.

Question 2.
Why does the poet compare hurt’s’ with a Polythene bag? Give any two reasons.
A polythene bag hurts every body on the earth. First, ‘hurt’ is the symbol of pain. Secondly, it can never be destroyed by burning or by burying it into the earth’s crust.

Question 3.“The Polythene bag remains buried within”. Explain.
A polythene bag is never destroyed even if it is buried. side a garbage bin or into the earth’s crust. It goes on growing the germs of disease. But it is not visible to any body.

Question 4.
Have you ever been hurt? Write your feeling in your own words.
Answer: I have been hurt many times by the polythene bags. The eatables that I bring in it get contaminated. They also get coloured by the colour of the polythene bags. :

C. 2. Group Discussion.

Discuss the following in groups:

1. Good environment makes our life happy and healthy but most of us fail to understand it. Discuss.
Fresh air, fresh water, fresh fruit and vegetables are good for good health. These make our life happy and healthy. But people do not understand and they pollute environment. There are many reasons for the pollution. People have cut the forests to meet the demands of ever-increasing population and getting up various industries. Burning of petrol and the smoke emitted by the factories pollute the air. We breathe in with carbon monoxide and nitrogen r es. ie effinents let off in rivers by the factories cause water pollution. Most of us do not undestrand it. It is human being who is harming environment. Something should be done to contain the increasing environmental pollution.

2. The sources of pollution are limitless.
Fresh air, fresh water, fresh fruit, and vegetables are good for good health. These make our life happy and healthy. But people do not understand and they pollute environment. There are many reasons for the pollution. People have cut the forests to meet the demands of ever-increasing population and getting up various industries. Burning of petrol and the smoke emitted by the factories pollute the air. We breathe in with carbon monoxide and nitrogen r es. ie effinents let off in rivers by the factories cause water pollution. Most of us do not undestrand it. It is human being who is harming environment. Something should be done to contain the increasing environmental pollution.

C. 3. Composition

1. Write a paragraph in about 100 words on pollution.
Answer: Pollution
“These days the environmental pollution has increased so much that human existence has started facing danger. Trees have been cut. Environmental pollution is the gift of modern development and progress. It is a by-product of unplanned industrialisation, mining and hapazard, and faulty town planning. Forest and trees are the green lungs of the earth. Deforestation has resulted degradation of environment, soil erosion flood, and droughts. The effluents (all) of industrial waste have polluted all our major rivers and lake making their water unfit for drinking. Cities and towns are gradually becoming gas chambers due to the smoke of chimneys and the guzzlers on the road. These are creators of pollution.

2. Narrate your experience of a badly polluted slum colony of your area.
The living conditions in Kankerbagh, Slum colony in Patna are really pathetic. The whole area has grown into one large garba dump. Heaps of dirt and piles of dung and garbage greet you in every street and open space. The whole colony has been polluted with these things. The open uncovered drains, pits, and holes carrying foul water make the roads stink with a foul. smell. Air is also polluted, water is polluted, soil is polluted, everyrhing has become raubbish. The overflow of used water and its contact with dung and garbage further deteriorates the whole situation. Garbage sinks and emits a foul smell. Mosquitoes breed in the pits and pools of poluted water and flies buzz over them. Stray dogs make merry on the heaps of garbage Pigs wallow in the mud near the open drains. The whole slum area has been polluted. Living condition in this slum settlement are appalling (भयानक ).

D. Word Study
D. 1. Dictionary Use

Ex, 1. Correct the spelling of the following words:
Polethen, disolved, squacky, disees, remeins, burried, coused.
Polythene— dissolve—squeaky—disease

Ex. 2. Say the ‘Antonyms’ of the following words: Strange, never, earth, noise, little, warm, pain, back, deep, inside.
Words Autonyms

Pain………….. reliefBack………..ahead

E. Grammar

Ex. 1. Look at the different forms of verb ‘get’ carefully
get, got, got (gotten), getting, gets.
Now give different forms of the following verbs as illustrated above:
dissolve, touch, make, burn, Pollute, keep, remain, bury, come, cause.
Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Poem 3 Polythene Bag 1


Translate into English:
(i) पोलीथीन घुलता नहीं है |
(ii) यह बहुत आवाज (ध्वनि ) उत्पन्न करता है |
(iii) यह काफी दुर्गध देता है |
(iv) यह कविता किसने लिखी ?
(v) तुम से यह किसने कहा ?
(i) Polythene does not dissolve.
(ii) It produces much noise.
(iii) It gives much foul smell.
(iv) Who wrote this poem?
(v) Who told you this?

Comprehensive Based Questions with Answers

1. ‘Hurt’ is such a strange polythene bag
which never gets
dissolved into the earth’s crust
(i) Name the poet and the poem?
(ii) What is polythene?
(iii) How strange is the polythene?
(i) The poet’s name is Durga Prasad Panda and the poem’s name is ‘Polythene Bag’.
(ii) Polythene is a plastic material It is widely used for waterproof packaging and bags as well.
(iii) It is strange because it does not destroy easily. It does not dissolve under the earth.

हिन्दी रूपान्तर:

  • कवि पॉलिथिन-बैग से उत्पन्न होने वाले अनेक दुष्परिणाम पर प्रकाश डाल रहा
  • “हर्ट” है ऐसा विचित्र पॉलिथिन थैला
  • जो कभी नहीं होता है
  • परिवर्तित ठोस से तरल पदार्थ में, धरती की ऊपरी सतह पर .

पॉलिथिन-थैला ‘हर्ट’ ऐसा विचित्र होता है जो धरती की ऊपरी सतह पर कभी ठोस से तरल पदार्थ में परिवर्तित नहीं होता है।

2. When touched it makes a squeaky noise,
when burnt it exudes a pungent smell,
when left to itself
it pollutes the environment
Questions :
(i) Give the meaning of the word squeaky, environment.
Answers :
(i) Squeaky means—Short and shrill sound.
Environment means—Surroundings.

हिन्दी रूपान्तर :

  • स्पर्श होने पर यह चूं-चूं, चीं-ची (विचित्र प्रकार की आवाज) जैसा शोर करता
  • जब जलाया जाता है तो यह छोड़ता है विधाक्त गंध,
  • जब छोड़ दिया जाता है उसी तरह उसे
  • यह प्रदूषित करता है पर्यावरण को ।

3. Just like the polythene bag
his ‘hurt’ too melts down
with a little touch of warmth.
But deep inside the grief’s garbage bin
far away from everyone’s gaze
the germs of the disease
keep on growing.
The polythene bag
remains buried within
(i) When does hurt melt?
(ii) What do you mean by grief’s garbage?
(i) When it is warmly touched the hurt melts.
(ii) I think the poet has used the word for two reasons. One for dust bin, where polythene is thrown and it goes, on rotting and grow ing harmful germs. The second for dust bin has been compared to deep grief. Grief for polythene.

थैले की तरह थोड़ी-सी उष्णता लगते ही ‘हर्ट’ गलने लगता है। कूड़ेदान में नीचे जहाँ पालीथिन के थैले पड़े रहते हैं वहाँ रोग के कीटाणु उत्पन्न होते रहते हैं।

पॉलीथिन के थैले कुड़ा-कर्कट के ढेर के नीचे पेड़ अथ्वा गड़े हुए रहते हैं तथा कष्ट पहुँचाते रहते हैं।

4. The polythene bag
remains buried within
Only the pain caused by the ‘hurt’
keeps coming back
again and again.
(i) Why does the polythene bag bury?
(ii) Give the meaning of the phrase’ again and again
(i) After its use, the polythene bag is thrown. So it is buried it
(ii) ‘Again and again, means repeatedly.

  • पॉलीथिन बैग
  • पड़ा रहता है ढंका हुआ (गड़ा हुआ) नीचे
  • केवल ‘हर्ट’ द्वारा उत्पन्न दर्द
  • आता रहता है
  • बार – बार