Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Chapter 2 Me and The Ecology Bit


Panorama English Book Class 10 Solutions Chapter 2 Me and The Ecology Bit

Do you feel the concept of English difficult to understand? Not anymore with our Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 2 Me and The Ecology Bit Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Bihar Board Textbook Solutions PDF free of cost and prepare whenever you want.

B.1.1. Write ‘T’ or ‘F’. “T” for True and “F” for False 

1. People easily get convinced by Jim.
2. He uses a paper route to convince people.
3. He gives suggestions on ecology free of cost.
4. Mr. William was at his house.
5. People listened to Jim gladly, for he was an eco-friendly boy.
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. T

B.2. Answer the following questions Very briefly 

Me And The Ecology Bit Question Answer Bihar Board Question 1.
What happens when the narrator calls Mr. Greene, “Mrs. Greene”?
When the narrator calls her Mrs. Greene then she pretends that she . had no change to pay him.

Me And The Ecology Bit In Hindi Bihar Board Question 2.
What does the narrator do on Saturdays and Sundays?
The narrator collects garbage and other dirty materials causing pollution from several houses on Saturdays and Sundays to save ecology.

Panorama Class 10 Solutions Bihar Board Question 3.
Which animal messes up with Ms. Greene’s yard?
The dog digs up Ms. Greene’s garden and messes up her yard.

Me And The Ecology Bit Meaning In Hindi Bihar Board Question 4.
Why does the narrator ask Ms. Greene to save paper and aluminum cans?
The narrator asks Ms. Greene to save paper and aluminum, can, So that they may be remade for their use in the future.

Me And The Ecology Bit Summary In Hindi Bihar Board Question 5.
Did the narrator succeed in getting Ms. Greene to do something about ecology?
The narrator tried hard in getting Ms. Greene to do something about ecology and got tired. But he could not succeed in his efforts.

Panorama English Book Class 10 Solutions In Hindi Bihar Board Question 6.
What is a compost pit?
The compost pit is the storage of leaves, garbage, and stuff together collected in a pit to prepare manure.

Panorama Part 2 Class 10 Solutions Bihar Board Question 7.
What does Mr. William mean by noise pollution?
By nose pollution, Mr. William means to say that bad smelling of the compost or garbage creates it (nose pollution).

Class 10 English Book Bihar Board Question 8.
Why is burning of leaves bad to air?
Burning of leaves is bad to air because it pollutes the air generating smoke.

B.3.1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the unit you have just studied :

1. It very………………… works this ecology bit.
2. Women use too many…………………….things.
3. No body’s willing to do anything about …………………….
4. The narrator drives his………………………… round and round his
backyard all summer………………………………. and all winter.
1. boring, 2. electric, 3. ecology, 4. motorbike, his snowmobile.

B. 3.2. Answer the following questions very briefly :

Bihar Board Class 10th English Solution Question 1.
How many blocks away was the post-office from Mr. Johnson’s house?
Ans. The post office was only two blocks away from Mr. Johnson’s house.

Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solution Question 2.
What form of electricity did the narrator use?
The narrator used T. V. in the form of electricity.

Ecology Bit Meaning In Hindi Bihar Board Question 3.
Why did Mr. Johnson think that the narrator did not follow the principles of walking?
Mr. Johnson thought that the narrator did not follow the principle of walking because he (narrator) had jumped over grass and a little tree, resulting in its destruction.

Bihar Board 10th English Book Question 4.
Did the narrator enjoy talking about ecology?
The narrator enjoyed talking about ecology, but nobody was ready to follow it.

C. 1. Long Answer Questions :

Class 10 English Chapter 2 Bihar Board Question 1.
“Nobody’s willing to do anything about ecology”. Do you agree with the statement
Preaching about ecology is easy, but difficult to practice. Everybody is in favor of it but nobody is prepared to do anything about it This is a fact that people do not co-operate and show unwillingness in this direction. Many persons, like Jim, undertake the work of ecology but nobody comes forward to join hands in such a mission. One can start this job from his own house. He must keep his surroundings clean and free from pollution. But nobody does it. In my locality, there is a heap of garbage and filth scattered throughout the road. Street dogs are found loitering and playing with the wastes spreading it in the street. Polythene bags and packets are found everywhere. Nobody cares about that. There is a proverb, “Example is better than precept”. People talk a lot against it but do nothing to remove this evil. Thus, I agree that nobody is willing to do anything about ecology.

Class 10 English Chapter 2 Question Answers Bihar Board Question 2.
“But anyhow, on Saturday when I collect, I put in good work on ecology.” This is the narrator’s way of preserving ecology. How are you contributing to ecological preservation in your surroundings?
In my locality, people are not conscious of preserving ecology. There is a bulk of garbage and waste scattered throughout the surrounding. Polythene bags and plastic packets are found floating on the road. I do not like such things because they generate pollution. I want to work for the preservation of ecology because I know its importance.
1 used to work hard for making the environment free from pollution. As such I have taken up the following steps

  • I go to the people of my locality to make them conscious to save ecology.
  • I also tell them not to pollute water and the environment by their dirty habits.
  • every Sunday 1 undertake the work of cleaning my surroundings.
  • To achieve my objective I make the drains clean and clear the water logging throughout my locality.
  • I ani working towards growing plants on both sides of the road.

Several other measures are also taken for the welfare of the people and the preservation of ecology.

Panorama English Book Answers Pdf Bihar Board Question 3.
“I get tired of trying to get Ms. Greene to do something about ecology”. Explain in detail the meeting between Jim and Ms. Greene and throw light on the outcome of the meeting.
Jim, a young boy has undertaken the work of going around and telling people to save ecology. He visits the house of Ms. Greene in connection with the fulfillment of his mission. Seeing him she immediately questions, “Why does he throw- gum wrappers on her Lawn”. She further directs him to pick up those wrappers and put it in one of the plastic bags kept on the lawn for the very purpose. She accuses him also to get his dog untied, causing damage to her garden. Meanwhile, he sees that she is piling newspapers beside her garbage bags. He advises her to save those papers and also aluminum cans, so that new paper and aluminum. could be made. She does not seem to be satisfied with his suggestion. Jim gets tired of trying to get Ms. Greene to do something about ecology. So he immediately left her house. It shows the reluctancy of Ms. Greene in abiding by the rules of ecology preservation. Their conversations come to an end with no result. The outcome of the meeting is the example of how people do not attach importance to ecology preservation, as Ms. Greene does.

Panorama English Book Class 10 Pdf Bihar Board Question 4.
“Sure it is hard to get people to work for ecology”. Do you agree with this statement? What is ecology? What measures have you and your school taken to preserve it?
Really, to get people ready to work for ecology is hard. Preaching about ecology is easy but difficult to abide by the rules of ecology preservation. Ecology means keeping the environment pollution-free. It is possible only. When the surrounding is free from darkness and pollution of land, water, and air. Ecology is a branch of biology that deals with the habits of living-being and relationship between the environment and the living things, I have taken up the work to save ecology in my neighborhood on Sundays or whenever I get time. I go to the people o make them conscious of preserving geology. The Headmaster of my school takes a keen interest in the preservation of ecology. There is an arrangement of environmental studies in school. The surroundings of the school are kept clean. The classrooms, the toilets, the garden and other places of the school building are kept free from dirt. The school peons and the gardener take much care towards cleanliness and do not allow garbages and -wastes in the school premises and its surroundings.

Bihar Board Solution Class 10 English  Question 5.
“Women use too many electric things”. What prompts the narrator to say so? How does the use of modern appliances affect ecology?
Women have to discharge their responsibilities for their household affairs. Their role is just like the captain and the players of a team. They have varieties of work to perform. In course of discharging their duties, they have to take the help of several electrical tools and appliances, such as the electric mixer, the grinder, the washing machine, electric iron, the toaster, tailoring (sewing) machine, fruit juicer, electric heater, electric oven, refrigerator, etc. As the narrator observes his mother using the electric mixer, It prompts him to say so. Modem appliances affect ecology in many ways. Their function generates air, water, and soil pollution. The polluted water and the wastes come out from the washeries of factories and mills roll down to the river, forming water and soil pollution. The smoke and dust coming from the chimneys and other sources of the heavy plant, small factories and even from the residential houses pollute the environment.

Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solution Pdf Download Question 6.
Do you think that Jim is a real ecology friendly boy ? Give your opinion.
Jim is a real ecology friendly boy, but often he deviates from personally acting upon it. As an example, he advises Johnson not to go to the post office in his car, but as per Johnson’s remark, he drives his motorbike around and rounds his backyard in summer and snowmobile in winter. Again when he advises his mother to save electricity, his mother remarks, “so who watches T.V. twenty-seven hours a day?” These ironic remarks show his deviation. His young age is also a reason for his deviation. Still, it is a fact that he has undertaken the work of going around and telling people to preserve the environment and to save ecology. In spite of the fact that he can spare little time out of his homework even then, he has fixed Saturday and sometime Sunday even for visiting people to fulfill his mission. In my opinion, he is an ecology friendly boy in real sense. His ecology friendly behavior is admirable. Though he does not get co-operation and assistance from the people in his work he continues to go ahead to achieve his objective.

Question 7.
Does Jim understand why his advice is being questioned? Explain.
Jim is well aware of the fact that his advice is being questioned, never he goes to meet people and narrates them the importance of serving ecology they do not respond properly. The reason behind their such an attitude is their negligence towards saving ecology. They do not like to work in this direction, because they do not attach any importance for preserving the environment. When he suggests something relating to it, they themselves immediately put some questions to him. It is but the human nature-that when they do not agree with other’s advice, they will find out some mistakes in it. So, they make prevention and create confusion. Therefore Jim very well understands why his advice is being questioned.

Question 8.
What happened to the tree referred to by Mr. Johnson?
Mr. Johnson referred to the destruction of a tree by Jim. He accuses Jim of this. According to him jumping over the tree every day, making a short cut path through Ms. Greene’s house had resulted in its ruin. The tree does not exist now owing to its premature death.

Question 9.
Is Jim aware of all of the aspects, and does he always practice ecology measures ? Give arguments in favor of your answer.
Jim is a real ecology friendly boy. He is quite aware of all the aspects of saving ecology. He has undertaken the work of preserving the environment. His ecology friendly attitude is admirable. He always practices all possible ecology measures. He talks about the importance of preserving the environment with the people, He does not get proper co-operation and assistance from the people in his work. But he is not disheartened and continues to go ahead on his mission. He also collects the dirty garbage and other wastes from certain places and carries them to the places specially made for the purpose. Though he finds it difficult to get people to work for ecology, it does not stop his work and fulfill his objective. Thus, really he is aware of all aspects and always practice ecology measures.

Question 10.
A hero or heroine does not always arrive on a galloping horse to save the day. Sometimes the hero or heroine merely demonstrates the potential for action, rather than a completed task. What potential does Jim have as the hero in this story?
Jim as a hero of this story is mare a messenger. I think he is just like a hero of tragedy in conflict. His message is agreed by all but there is a conflict of feelings models of thoughts, desires, will, and purposes. There is a conflict of persons with one another or with circumstances or with themselves. Again, it may be taken for granted that a tragedy is a story of unhappiness or sufferings and excites such feelings as pity and fear. Thus the hero Jim does the work in these circumstances.

C.2. Group Discussion

Discuss the following in groups or pairs.
1. Environmental degradation leads to ecological imbalance.
The problem of environmental pollution is related to an increase in industrial activity which is regarded as an inevitable and sure sign of economic progress. Along with such industrial advancement comes the pollution of water and air. There is a realisation on his part that what he considers progress is serious’ disturbing the ecological balance and leading to the breakdown of the ‘ supporting system on the earth.

2. Modern appliances adversely affect the environment.
Modem appliances are used in abundance in every house of a town. People use house appliances such as electric mixer, washing machine, refrigerator, air cooler, heater, T. V. and computer. All these devices emit or charge water and air. They pollute air and Waterloo. Thus they have an adverse effect on the environment. So it is clear that pollution and environmental degradation are dangerous for human health.

C. 3. Composition

1. Prepare a speech in about 100 words to be delivered in the morning assembly of the school on ‘how students can become ecology friendly’.

16th April 2011 9 a.m.
Morning assembly
Our revered principal and teachers and my colleagues.

I have the pleasure to inform you in this morning assembly that I have thought, we can become ecology friendly in our schoolhouse or a house away from our own house. The school must have a pleasant atmosphere. Gardens, trees, and flowers help the students to relax. In fact, some lessons on ecology’ Should be given in the open air. So that students must become ecology friends. I request our principal and teachers to turn us to become ecology friend


2. Write a letter to your friend, telling him the measures your school has taken to preserve ecology in the locality.

Station Road, Patna
10th April 2011

Dear Amresh

Hope this letter of mine finds you in the best of mood and spirit. Through this letter, I am going to inform you that our school has taken a task to go to the nearby locality to preach the people about ecology. By turn, students of; different classes take part and go door to door to work for ecology. We are doing something going around telling people what they should do. We tell them that support for ecology has also come from several religious leaders. We tell them that the economy and ecology stem from the same meaning house. The economy is the management of the house, ecology is the study of the house. The house is the earth. Many civilized men and women learn to understand their house. We are trying our best. Success must come at last.

Your loving friend

D. Word Study 

D.1. Dictionary use
Ex. 1. Correct the spelling of the following words.
ekology, composte, garbedge, stufe, polusion, Imings.
Ecology, compost, garbage, stuff, pollution, innings.

Ex. 2. Match the words in Column A with their meanings in Column B.
A                                            B
compost                           the science that deals with the relation between the living things and environment,
garbage                           an act of polluting
pollution                          to feign
pretend                            filth
ecology                            manure
garbage…………filth ‘
pollution……… act of polluting
pretend………….to feign
ecology…………..the science that deals with the relation between living things and the environment.

Comprehensive Based Questions with Answers

Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow each

1. Sure it is hard to get people to work for ecology. Everybody is in favor of it but nobody wants to do anything about it. At least I’m doing something, going around telling people what they should do. But all I get is a lot of backtalk.
2. I have this paper route. My father had one when he was a kid, so he made me get one last year. Between it and my homework, I hardly have time for playing ball and stuff, some days I get. in Only a few innings.
3. But anyhow, on Saturdays when I collect, I put in good work for ecology. Like last Saturday morning. It was a good collecting day. It had just turned spring and a lot of people were outside.
4. I went to Mr. Williams’s house. As usual, he tried to pretend he’s not home. But I see him burning leaves in the backyard, so he’s stuck. He pays me, and I tell him. “You shouldn’t bum those leaves. It’s bad for air, bad ecology. You should make a compost pile as we do. Put in the leaves, garbage, and stuff. Good for the garden.”
5. He doesn’t agree or hang his head in shame. He say’s” That compost pile is your job at home, Jim, isn’t it”
6. “Yes,” I say proudly, which would shock the idea I hate working with compost. Which I do.
(i) What is hard for the author?
(ii) Why has the author not time for playing when he was a kid?
(iii) What was Mr. William doing when the author went there?
(iv) What did the author advise Mr. William to do?
(v) Who is the writer of this extract?
(vi) What, according to the narrator, is hard?
(vii) What does he do on Saturdays?
(Viii) What does he do on Saturdays?
(ix) Which word in the passage means ‘the science that deals with the relationship between living things and the ‘environment’?
(i) It is hard work to get people to work for ecology.
(ii) He had to do heavy homework. So he hardly had time for play¬ing ball.
(iii) The author saw him burning leaves in the backyard.
(iv) The author advised him to pile the leaves to get compost.
(v) Joan Lexau is the writer of this extract.
(vi) According to the narrator, it is hard to get people to work for ecology.
(vii) The narrator works for ecology by telling people what they should do.
(viii) On Saturdays, he collects garbage from the nearby houses.
(ix) The word ‘ecology’ means ‘the science that deals with the relationship between living things and the environment.

7. Mr. Williams says “Well don’t you take a little more trouble with it, but enough dirt on top of each layer? Then we wouldn’t have this noise pollution.”
8. “Huh?” I say “You mean noise pollution.” No,” he says. “I mean you. compost smells up the whole street.”
9. My feelings are hurt, but that doesn’t stop me from trying again. I go to collect it from Ms. Greene. I have to call her Ms. Greene because if I call her ‘Mrs’, she says she doesn’t have a chance to pay me.
10. She is putting her garbage out for the weekly pick up on Monday. She goes away on weekends; so on Saturdays and Sundays, we have to look at the big plastic garbage bags on her lawn. But I don’t say anything about it. I just look at the garbage.
11. She says to me, “Go pick up that gum wrapper you threw on my lawn. Put it in one of the plastic bags. Didn’t anybody teach you not to litter?
12.1 hold my temper and pick up my gum wrapper and put it in a bag. Then she says, And there’s a law in this town about keeping dogs on a leash. So why is yours always all over the place? That dog digs up my garden and messes up my yard, and last weekend Mr. Williams saw it tear open one of my garbage bags.
13. “Well,” I say, but I can’t think of anything to go with it. Then I see she is piling newspapers next to her garbage bags.
(i) What is putting her?
(ii) What does she say to the author?
(Hi) What did the author do?
(iv) What does the dog do?
(v) Name the lesson from which this extract has been taken.
(vi) Who is the lady referred to here?
(vii) What is she doing?
(viii) What does she ask the narrator to do?
(ix) Which word in the passage means ‘fifth’?
(i) She is putting the garbage out for the weekly pick up on Monday.
(ii) She told the author to go pick up that gum wrapper he had thrown in her lawn and put it one of the plastic bags. She further asked if anybody did not teach him not to litter them.
(iii) The author picked up his gum wrapper and put it in a bag.
(iv) The dog digs up and messes up her garden.
(v) This extract has been taken from the lesson and the Ecology Bit’.
(vi) The lady referred to here is Ms. Greene.
(vii) She is putting her garbage out for the weekly pick-up on Monday
(viii) She asks the narrator to pick up the gum wrapper he had thrown on her lawn and put it in one of the plastic bags.
(ix) The word ‘garbage’ means, Tilth

14. “Listen, Ms. Greene,” I say, “save those papers for the school pickup, and they can be made into new paper. Save aluminum cans, too.”
15. “Like the last school pick up?” she asks “When you said you’d come and pick them up, but you never showed up? It’s easier to throw them away a few at a time than have a big mess like that.”
16.1 get tired of trying to get Ms. Greene to do something about ecol¬ogy. I go to Mr Johnson’s house. He makes a run for his car, but I can run faster than he can.
17. “Just trying to get to the post office before it closes,” he says, huffing and puffing.
18. “You got time,” I say. “You even got time to walk. It’s only two blocks. You shouldn’t take your car when you don’t need to. The walk would be good exercise and save on gas. And not pollute. That’s ecology.”
19. “They sure are,” I say. “We had a lot about trees and ecology in school. They make the air better and stuff like that.”
20. “See that tree over there?” he says, pointing to where there isn’t any tree.
21. “1 don’t see any tree,” I tell him.
(i) What did the author say to Mrs. Greene?
(ii) Why did the author get tired?
(iii) Was any tree there?
(iv) Pick out the word from the passage which means: ‘the material’.
(v) Dis the narrator succeeds in gel ting Ms. Greene do something about ecology? ‘
(vi) Where did he go after his visit to Ms. Greene’s house?
(vii) Who was going to the post office?
(viii) What did the narrator tell Mr. Johnson about ecology?
(ix) When does the phrase ‘huffing and puffing * mean?
(i) The author told Mrs. Greene to save those papers for the school picks up so that they could be made into newspapers.
(ii) The author got tired of trying to get Mrs. Greene to do something about ecology.
(iii) No, there was not any tree.
(iv) The word is “stuff.”
(v) No, the narrator did not succeed in getting Ms. Greene do something about ecology.
(vi) He went to Mr. Johnson’s house after his visit to Ms. Greene’s house.
(vii) Mr. Johnson was going to the post office.
(viii) The narrator told Mr. Johnson that the post office was nearby and he should not use his car. he reminded him that the walk to the post office would be good exercise and help ecology.
(ix) The phrase ‘huffing and puffing’ means ‘breathing heavily because one is exhausted’.

22. “Of course not,” he says, “And no grass either. Because you made a path there taking a shortcut from Mrs. Greene’s. There was a little tree just starting to get bigger there until you killed it by trying to jump over it every day. Remember?”
23. “Oh,” I say.
24. “And talking about not driving when you can walk. You drive your motorbike round and round your backyard all summer. And your snowmobile all winter. Isn’t that wasting power and making noise pollution too?”
25. But it’s fun,” I say.
26. “Well, I enjoy taking the car to the post office,” he says, “But now you’ve made me too late.” He goes in the house looking very mad.
27. Then I remember he hasn’t paid me. But I decided to wait until next Saturday. At least I made him not pollute with his car for once.
28. 1 don’t talk to the rest of my route about ecology. It’s a very boring work, this ecology bit.
29. But when I get home, I see my mother using the electric mixer.
30. “You should do that with your old egg beater,” I point out to her. “Save on electricity. Women use too many electric things.”
31. She says in a very’ cold voice, “So who watches TV twenty-seven hours a day around here? Or is that some other kind of electricity?”
32. See what I mean? Nobody’s willing to do anything about ecology. Except me. And nobody listens to me.
(i) Who says,” of course not?’
(ii) Who enjoys taking the car to the post office?
(Hi) What did the author find when he reached home?
(iv) What remarks did the author’s mother have?
(v) Who is the author of this extract?
(vi) Who is‘him’ in the first line here?
(vii) How did the narrator try to feed him?
(viii) What happened on the third day?
(ix) Which word in the passage means ‘very bright’?
(i) Mr. Johnson said, “of course.”
(ii) Mr. Johnson enjoys taking the car to the post office.
(iii) When the author reached home he found his mother using the electric mixer.
(iv) The author’s mother told him ironically that he watched. T.V. twenty-seven hours a day.
(v) Mahadevi Verma is the author of this extract.
(vi) ‘Him’ in the first line here refers to a tiny baby squirrel.
(vii) The narrator tried to feed him by putting a thin cotton wool wick, dipped in milk to his mouth:
(viii) On the third day, he became so much better and assured that he would hold the narrator’s finger with his two tiny claws and gaze all around.
(ix) The word ‘refulgent’ means ‘very bright’.