Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Chapter 1 The Pace for Living


Panorama English Book Class 10 Solutions Chapter 1 The Pace for Living

Do you feel the concept of English difficult to understand? Not anymore with our Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 1 The Pace for Living Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Bihar Board Textbook Solutions PDF free of cost and prepare whenever you want.

B. Answer the following questions briefly 

The Pace For Living Question Answer Bihar Board Question 1.
Where did the writer watch the play?
The writer watched the play in Dublin.

The Pace For Living Question Answer Pdf Bihar Board Question 2.
Who was the chief character in the play?
Hie chief-character in the play was an ageing corn-merchant of a. small Irish country town.

The Pace For Living Class 10th Bihar Board Question 3.
Does the writer dislike rapid movement in every field?
No, die writer does not dislike rapid movement in every field.

The Pace For Living In Hindi Bihar Board Question 4.
In which situation, the writer finds himself in the cinema?
When he goes to the cinema, he finds himself in a hopeless thick mist

The Pace For Living Is Written By Answer Bihar Board Question 5.
How does the writer classify himself as a thinker?
The writer classifies himself as, belonging to the tribe of slow- thinkers. He realises that he is among those who are guaranteed to get the lowest marks in any intelligence test It seems that he was cursed with “I esprit de T’ espaliers”.

C. 1. Long Answer Questions 

Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solution Question 1.
Write a few sentences about the elderly corn-merchant
The corn-merchant was a man of many anxieties. His heart was weak. He had certain grievances. Such as:
(i) His nephew was cheating him
(ii) his wife had the strange idea of spending 10 pounds on a holiday,
(iii) Altogether the pace of life was getting too much for him still in a moment of despair he uttered a great cry from the heart. “They tell me there’s aeroplane now that goes at 1000 miles an hour. Now that’s too fast.” It seems as if he is, not satisfied with his own affairs. The complaint of the corn-merchant seems to be absolutely irrelevant.

The Pace For Living Ka Question Answer Bihar Board Question 2.
“They tell me there’s an aeroplane now that goes at 1000 miles an hour. Now that’s fast!” What light does this remark of the corn-merchant throw on the fast life today?
The aforesaid statement signifies the pacy life of today. The world is running fast. Science has made a life full of action and fast movement. The sentiments of the corn-merchant throw the light on the tremendous change in the life of mankind. There is a comparison in the pacy life with the fast speed of an aeroplane which goes even 1000 miles an hour. The com Marchant feels it (such speed) too fast. He seems to be somewhat desperate. Thus, it glorifies the pacy life of the people in the modem time.

Bihar Board Solution Class 10 English Question 3.
What sort of excitement do we have today which our ancestors lakes? Is it an advantage or a disadvantage?
The aeroplane flies at a very fast speed, even at 1000 miles an hour. The bus also runs fast at ninety miles an hour or even more than that. Whereas bus-journey provides pleasure and a sort of fun, the aeroplane gives us a sort of excitement. To dine in London and lunch in New-York next morning is really most enthusiastic and pleasant. Our ancestors did not enjoy such sort of excitement, because there were no fast-moving means of communication like bus and aeroplane at that time. They had the slow-running vehicles like cart and horse-carriage.

There are advantages and disadvantages both from such sort of excitement. The fast running vehicles either plying on the road and track or flying in the sky covering a long distance comparatively in much less time any other means of communication. It saves us so much time. But sometimes it becomes unfriendly, when the mental activities are directed in a particular direction, to follow the pace of machines.

The Pace For Living Story In Hindi Bihar Board Question 4.
Who are taken to be slow thinkers? How are the slow thinkers, handicapped today?
Slow thinkers mean, persons possessing slow-mind fee, They lack in the presence of mind. Such persons do not give the proper answer to the question put before them due to inadequate commonsense and smartness. Sometimes they fail to even answer it. They lag’ behind in the pace for living. Slow thinkers are awfully handicapped, so far the act of getting a living is concerned. Time is moving fast. There has been a tremendous change in the lifestyle of men. Science has changed the mentality and activity of mankind. As such we must think and act much faster than people in the past did to fulfil our commitment. Slow thinkers are bound to remain handicapped in the business of getting a living.

Panorama English Book Class 10 Solutions Bihar Board Question 5.
What enlightenment does the writer seek from his wife? What does it suggest about the plight of the modern man?
The writer seeks his wife’s assistance in finding out the difference between the female artists of a film. He has gone to see the cinema. The writer is a slow’ thinker. As such he thinks that all the three female artists are the same and one. His wife narrates the differences among them telling him about their complexion, and appearance.
It very well suggests the plight of the modem man. First, it throws light on the mental ability of men who cannot make difference between right or wrong, who are unable to experience the reality of life. Secondly, it throws light on the plight of the modem society. Many people fail to understand the main objective of life and as such they deeds indulge in the wrong. Thirdly, it suggests that an intelligent person possesses fast thinking. The pace for living will enable to achieve business to earn a living. But it will not provide the practical use of one’s mind to be utilized for enjoyment.

Question 6.
Summarise the central idea of the essay.
The essay “The Pace For Living”, illustrates the characteristics of modem life. There are certain sarcastic remarks on the lifestyle of modem times.
R. C. Hutchinson in this essay nicely demonstrates the plight of the modem man. He has thrown light on the pacy life of the present time.
The writer has very well explained the advantages and disadvantages of slow and fast lives. Those who are fast thinkers will achieve the opportunity of getting a living but not the practical use for enjoyment For more details see a summary.

C. 2. Group Discussion – Discuss the following in groups or pairs

Question 1.
Life has become too fast today. ‘
There was a time when life was an art of living and was an art of mind too, but now life is speed, and speed is life.. Living is all marked by speed, which has taken out much of the joy of life. The rash and the haste keep people always on the run, frantic and verging on the ridiculous (हास्यास्पद) condition. A businessman, a senior executive rush to office in the forenoon, and rush back home in the evening by the fastest and quickest means of transport all because of the gripping conviction that everything must be done with great speed. Thus life has become too pacy today no doubt.

Question 2.
The fast life of western society is compelling the westerners to turn to India.
In western society, fast life to have become an obsession in the modem age in real sense. Everything must be done quickly and expeditiously as if the test of man’s progress is the speed at which one travels and the pace at which one works or gets work done in one’s house, office or factory. The hectic life at breakfast speed that people lead in today’s world symbolises pace and progress no wheras in the olden time’s people used to have plenty of leisure and apparently endless time to do things, to rest and relax, to stand and stare they chose to undertake. At that time hurry and fustle were almost unknown. Consequently, life was calm, unruffled and peaceful which seems to have gone for good. In such a situation, western society is compelling the westerners to turn to India. For this very cause, yoga has now become very’ popular in the west. There is an institution known as the wheel of yoga in Europe. Almost in every college in the west, there is a yoga society.

C. 3. Composition

1. Write a letter to your mother about a hectic day that you spent.

Frazer Road.
5th April. 2012

My dear Mamma,

in this letter, I am giving you a short description of a hectic day that I have spent recently. The school in which I read starts from 8 a.m. I have to wake up early. But one winter’s day I was rather late in getting out of my bed. So I reached school late. I was not allowed to enter in the school as the gate was closed. I rode on my cycle to go to a park with a view for studying there. When I got up to leave for my home, my cycle was gone. Perhaps somebody has stolen it when I was deeply engaged in my study. With a heavy heart. I left for home. But I remembered that I should inform the police. So, I went to the concerning police station and registered a case of theft against an unknown person. Thus I spent the whole day in frantic activity.

With best wishes,
Your loving son

2. As the secretary of the Drama Society of your school write a notice to invite the students to watch a play in Hindi. Mention the title of the play, its writer, the venue and the time.

Patna Collegiate School, Patna.


2nd April 2012
Open House Play

The Drama Society of our school is organising a drama in Hindi on 10th April at 6 p.m. in the school hall. The play is ‘Satya Harish Chandra’ by Bhartendu Haris Chandra. All the students of our school are cordially invited to watch the play.

Bipin, Class X.

D. Word Study

D.1. Dictionary Use
1. Correct the spelling of the following words:
fantastic, ansestors, complent, greatfully, ninty. garantid
fantastic, ancestors, complaint, gratefully, ninety, granted

D. 2. Word-Formation
Look at the words of Latin or Greek origin and the way new words are derived from them without adding any prefix or suffix:
mind — mental
long — lengthy
king — royal
ears — aural
eyes — ocular
moon — lunar
sun — solar.

Use these words in your own sentences.

mirid:— Please mind your duty.
long:— The new road is twenty miles long.
king:— There was a king.
ears:— Man has two ears.
eyes:— Man has two eyes.
moon:— The moon moves around the earth.
sun:— The sun gives us light
mental:— He has been suffering from mental disease.
lengthy:— This sum is very lengthy.
royal:— He comes from a royal family.
aural:— Dr Pathak is an oral surgeon.
ocular:— The patient has an ocular problem.
lunar:— A lunar month is of about 29 1/2 days.
solar:— Word-Meaning The sun and the planets which revolve around the solar system.

D. 3. Word-Meaning

Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B
notion         —      a group, of people of the same race
despair        —      a preconceived idea
illustration   —      state of hopelessness.
gratefully     —      example
tribe             —     with a feeling of gratitude
prejudice      —       an idea
Notion …………… an idea
Despair ……… state of hopelessness
Illustration ………. example
Gratefully ……… with a feeling of gratitude
Tribe ………. group of people of the same race.
Prejudice ………… a preconceived idea.

Comprehensive Based Questions with Answers

Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow each:-

1.a saw a play in Dublin not long ago in which the chief character was an elderly corn-merchant in a small Irish country town. He was a man of many anxieties-his h^art was dicky, his nephew was cheating him, his wife had had the fantastic notion of spending £10 on a holiday. Altogether the pace of life was getting too much for him, and in a moment of despair, he uttered a great cry from the heart: “They tell me there’s an aeroplane now that goes at 1,000 miles an hour. How that’s too fast!”
b. For me that was the most enchanting line in l le play-the man’s com¬plaint was so gloriously irrelevant to his own situation. And besides oemg comic, it struck me as a perfect illustration of the way the Irish get at subtle truths by the most unlikely approaches. You saw what the old fool meant.
(i) To whom does the word T stand for?
(ii) How were the merchant’s nephew and wife?
(iii) What was the enchanting line in the play?
(vi) Find the word from the passage which means: State of hopeless-ness.
(i) Here f stands for the author.
(ii) The merchant’s nephew was a cheater who was cheating the merchant. Merchant’s wife was a fantastic woman who was spending 10 pounds on a holiday.
(iii} The most enchanting line in the play is “the man’s complaint was so.gloriously irrelevant to his own situation.”
(vi) The word is despair.

2. Not that I have any dislike of rapid movement myself. I enjoy going to a car at ninety miles an hour- So long as I am driving and so long as it is not my car. I adore the machines that hurl you about at Battersea. To dine in London and lunch in New York next day seems to be a most satisfactory experience: I admit it excludes all the real pleasures of travel the sort of fun you get from a country bus in Somerset or Spain but it gives you a superficial sense of drama; it was a sort of excitement our ancestors had to do without, and we might just as well accept it gratefully. No, where speed becomes something unfriendly to me is where the mental activities of our time tend as they naturally do to follow the pace of the machines.

I speak with prejudice because I belong to the tribe of slow thinkers, those who are cursed with 1’esprit Det espaliers: People who light on the most devastating repartee about four hours after the party’s over. I am one of those who are guaranteed to get the lowest marks in any intelligence test because those tests or ail the ones I have come across seem to be designed to measure the speed of your mind more than anything else. Obviously we slow thinkers are terribly handicapped in the business of getting a living. But what I am thinking about just now is not so much the practical use of one’s mind as its use for enjoyment.
(i) What does the author enjoy?
(ii) Which tribe does the author belong to?
(iii) Who are handicapped and why?
(iv) Explain’I’esprit de I’escaliert’.
(i) The author enjoys going in a car at ninety miles an hour.
(ii) The author belongs to the tribes of slow thinkers.
(iii) Slow thinkers are terribly handicapped because they are slow at getting a living.
(iv) ‘I’ esprit de I’ espaliers means a man of slow mind.

3. As an example, when I go to the cinema I find myself in a hopeless fog, and after two or three minutes I have to turn to my wife for enlightenment. I whisper. “Is this the same girl as the one we saw at the beginning?” And she whr.iers back” “No, there are three girls in this film- a tall blonde a short onion, and a medium-sized brunette. Call them A, B, and C. The hero is that m ’ whc akes his hat off when he comes indoors. He is going to fall in love Wiui girls 3. C, A in that order.” And so it proves to be. There you have a mind which has trained itself to work in high gear-though as a matter of fact it can work in other gears just as, well. But my point is that most of my fellow- patients in the cinema do think fast enough to keep up comfortably with rapid changes of scene and action. They think much faster than people did thirty years ago: possibly because those who do not think fast in the High Street nowadays may not get another chance in this world to think at world to think at all.
(i) What does the author find when he sees a cinema?
(ii) To whom do the letters A B and C stand for?
(iii) What does the author prove?
(iv) Make nouns from :
(a) think (b) begin.
(i) The author finds himself in a hopeless fog when he sees a cinema.
(ii) ‘A’ stands for a tall blonde, ‘B’ stands for a short blonde and ‘C’ stands for a medium-sized brunette.
(iii) The author proves that there is a mind which has trained itself to work in high gear.
(iv) (a) thought (b) beginning